• Sold 8 800 €
    Sold 8 800 €
    de DREUX Alfred (DEDREUX Pierre-Alfred
    dit) (1810-1860)
    Chasse à courre
  • Sold 15 200 €
    Sold 15 200 €
    LAPICQUE Charles (1898-1988)
    Printemps Vicentin, 1954
    Huile sur toile

Old modern & contemporary paintings

If the term "painting" designates a very specific category of work of art, a surface painted on a flat support, it covers a complex and varied reality from the 13th century to the 21st century. Vasari Auction presents paintings in its Art & Decorations sales or online Bric & Broc sales.

Ancient paintings are illustrated by their religious, mythological or allegorical subjects. Little by little, the artist's gaze becomes more established and while following the fashions or opposing it in a virulent manner, a vision appears. Gouaches, inks, miniatures, oil on panel or oils on canvas are the support of ideas and the illustration of pictorial movements through landscapes, portraits, historical or gallant scenes, ...
The paintings lead us through these currents: the mannerism of Pontormo, the baroque of Velasquez, the classicism of Poussin, the rococo of Watteau, the neo-classicism of Jacques-Louis David, the romanticism of Delacroix, the realism of Courbet, the Symbolism of Redon, Impressionism of Monet, Expressionism of Munch, Fauvism of Matisse, Cubism of Picasso, Abstract Art of Kandinsky, Surrealism of Dali, Art Brut by Dubuffet or Pop Art by Warhol or current Street Art.

Our experts take turns over the ages to enlighten you on ancient, modern or contemporary paintings and their authenticity through studies, illustrious provenances and certificates when necessary.

Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Saturday 27 July 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Saturday 31 August 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Sort by year 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 1970
Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Saturday 06 July 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux


Saturday 22 June 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Saturday 01 June 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Saturday 25 May 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Saturday 04 May 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Saturday 27 April 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Saturday 23 March 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Art & Decoration by Vasari Auction

Saturday 09 March 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Bric & Broc by Vasari Auction

Saturday 17 February 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux
Passion for books by Vasari Auction

Passion for books by Vasari Auction

Saturday 06 January 2024 at 14h00
Vasari Auction , 86 cours Victor Hugo 33000 Bordeaux

Outstanding bids